A new sample ASP.Net web form page has been added the the Horvath Software Solutions website. This new page is located at https://horvathsoftware.com/OnlinePasswordGenerator.aspx. Passwords generated on this page are not stored anywhere on our web server. You may control the behavior of the password generator by entering your desired parameters in the Online Password Generator web form.
Here's the list of input controls:
- minPasswordLen - the minimum password length and when greater than or equal to the maxPasswordLen this sets the fixed password length. When less than maxPasswordLen a random password length is generated between the two length settings.
- maxPasswordLen - the maximum password length.
- excludedSymbols - for passwords with symbols in them this controls what symbols are excluded unless the Allowed Instead checkbox is checked. When Allowed Instead is checked then only the symbols in the text box are used when a symbol is added to the password.
- AllowedInstead - this checkbox controls the behavior of the excludedSymbols text box.
- PasswordCharacterSelections - this drop down list allows you to select your desired picks for each character of the password. The settings on this control are self explanatory.
Also included are these buttons:
- Generate Password - will generate a new password using the settings displayed in the input controls
- Save Settings - will save your settings (uses cookies to store them), also will copy the password textbox to your clipboard
- Retrieve Settings - will retrieve your input controls settings for use in generating passwords
- Export to PRESS - will create an export file that is compatible with PRESS's import feature that will allow you to save any password to your password vault