Posted by Michael Horvath under Technology  PRESS News  on Sep 23 2021

We are continuing Beta testing of the Advanced Website Learner screen. During our tests we found issues that prompted us to expand the scope of the change to include the Basic mode editor as well as Advanced mode editor. We found that a lot of websites would not let you access them with the built in browser control of the Basic mode editor. We set out to make the browser work with most if not all websites as of today's date.

We researched solutions and determined that Microsoft's WebView2 class implements a browser that is up to date. This browser class does not allow much of the capabilities found in our original browser control so we redesigned the Basic mode editor to work with the new WebView2 class. We feel that the new design is easier to use than the old one, but would appreciate any feedback from users with their opinions of the user interface.

We will continue Beta testing and thank you for following our progress on this feature update to PRESS. Have a blessed day!

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Posted by Michael Horvath under Technology  PRESS News  on Sep 10 2021

While working on the editor for PRESS Advanced Website Learner script editing we attempted to use the rich text box Undo and Redo capabilities but found that these did not work correctly due to the way the text changed event handler method performed syntax highlighting for the editor. We decided to disable the rich text box Undo and Redo and create our own.

The following code shows the methods for Undo and Redo. These make use of lists that are defined as private members of the Window class of the script editor window. The text changed event handler adds text for each change to the undoStack list.

        private void Undo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            richTextBox.TextChanged -= richTextBox_TextChanged;

            var undoArray = undoStack.ToArray();

            if (undoStack.Count > 1)
                TextRange txt = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentStart, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);

                if (redoStack != null)

                txt.Text = "";


                txt.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontFamilyProperty, rtbFontFamily);
                txt.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty, MyStringExtensions.RTB_FontSize);

                var blocks = richTextBox.Document.Blocks;

                foreach (var block in blocks)
                    Paragraph p = block as Paragraph;
                    p.Margin = new Thickness(0);
                    p.FontSize = MyStringExtensions.RTB_FontSize;
                    p.LineHeight = 1;

                undoStack.RemoveAt(undoStack.Count - 1);

                var eChangeArgs = new TextChangedEventArgs(e.RoutedEvent, UndoAction.None);

                richTextBox_TextChanged((object)richTextBox, eChangeArgs);
                MessageBox.Show("Nothing left to undo.", "No Changes Left", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            richTextBox.TextChanged += richTextBox_TextChanged;

        private void Redo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            richTextBox.TextChanged -= richTextBox_TextChanged;

            var redoArray = redoStack.ToArray();

            if (redoStack.Count > 0)
                TextRange txt = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentStart, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);
                txt.Text = "";


                txt.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontFamilyProperty, rtbFontFamily);
                txt.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty, MyStringExtensions.RTB_FontSize);

                var blocks = richTextBox.Document.Blocks;

                foreach (var block in blocks)
                    Paragraph p = block as Paragraph;
                    p.Margin = new Thickness(0);
                    p.FontSize = MyStringExtensions.RTB_FontSize;
                    p.LineHeight = 1;

                redoStack.RemoveAt(redoStack.Count - 1);

                var eChangeArgs = new TextChangedEventArgs(e.RoutedEvent, UndoAction.None);

                richTextBox_TextChanged((object)richTextBox, eChangeArgs);

                txt = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentStart, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);

                if (undoStack != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Nothing left to redo.", "No Changes Left", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            richTextBox.TextChanged += richTextBox_TextChanged;

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Posted by Michael Horvath under Technology  PRESS News  on Sep 07 2021

Just today I ran into an issue of opening my compiled html help file for the PRESS project to a specific topic under program control. Long story short found some help from Stack Overflow and here. The secret found on the site we linked to in this post is the -mapid switch of the hh.exe found in SysWow64 folder under Windows folder.

Here's what my completed method for help looks like:

        private void Help_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string path;
            path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(

            var editedPath = path.Replace("file:\\","");

            System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
            System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
            // don't hide it unless you really don't want the user to see the help, but what would the point of that be?
            // startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            startInfo.FileName = @"c:\Windows\SysWow64\hh.exe";

            // help topic 13
            startInfo.Arguments = " -mapid 13 \"" + editedPath + @"\PRESS v3.1 Help.chm" + "\"";
            process.StartInfo = startInfo;

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Posted by Michael Horvath under Technology  PRESS News  on Sep 07 2021

We are working on an enhanced Website Learner Advanced mode script editor that will make writing macros for login and change password automation much easier to do. This feature enhancement is currently in Beta test phase and we are letting users have a preview of the new feature by downloading latest published version of PRESS. Please get this version of PRESS today and see what you think of the script editor. You can give us feedback on anything you see in the editor that needs improvement.

As always thanks for reading our post and may your day be blessed!

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Posted by Michael Horvath under Technology  PRESS News  on Aug 17 2021

Our online password generator located at has been updated with an improved user interface.  Unchanged in that passwords generated on this page are not stored anywhere on our web server.  You may control the behavior of the password generator by entering your desired parameters in the Online Password Generator web form.

Here's the list of input controls:

  1. minPasswordLen - the minimum password length and when equal to the maxPasswordLen this sets the fixed password length.  When less than maxPasswordLen a random password length is generated between the two length settings.
  2. maxPasswordLen - the maximum password length.
  3. excludedSymbols - for passwords with symbols in them this controls what symbols are excluded unless the Allowed Instead checkbox is checked.  When Allowed Instead is checked then only the symbols in the text box are used when a symbol is added to the password.
  4. AllowedInstead - this checkbox controls the behavior of the excludedSymbols text box.
  5. PasswordCharacterSelections - this drop down list allows you to select your desired picks for each character of the password.  The settings on this control are self explanatory.

Also included are these buttons:

  1. Generate Password - will generate a new password using the settings displayed in the input controls
  2. Copy to clipboard - will copy the password textbox to your clipboard
  3. Export to PRESS - will create an export file that is compatible with PRESS's import feature that will allow you to save any password to your password vault
We have included this password generator as a free service and as a sample of ASP.Net web form page capabilities.
Thank you for reading our post and using our online password generator!

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